The SLB’s 2020 Annual Report:
Constructing A Better Future With Wood
2020 delivered outstanding results for the Softwood Lumber Board and its core funded programs – the American Wood Council (AWC), Think Wood, and WoodWorks. Each program had a remarkable year, exceeding their targets and delivering measurable results for our industry, despite the extenuating circumstances caused by the pandemic.
2020 Program Impact
Key performance highlights from 2020 include:

The AWC supported multiple jurisdictions to early adopt tall wood provisions and led standards development to support codes to be more compatible across jurisdictions.
2020 AWC By The Numbers

Think Wood intensified its lead generation and nurturing efforts, generating 13,680 marketing qualified leads and increasing sales qualified leads by 425% year-over-year.
2020 Think Wood By The Numbers

WoodWorks directly converted 304 light-frame buildings and 96 mass timber buildings—with a total of 1,572 projects influenced in 2020, which represent 78.56 million square feet of building area and 716 million board feet (mmbf) of incremental softwood lumber consumption.
2020 WoodWorks By The Numbers

The SLB’s funded programs exceeded their targets for specifier continuing education, growing 7% over 2019. Funded program education is now available online at The Wood Institute, which, since its launch in July, has attracted 1,199 registered users who logged nearly 1,400 hours of education.
The SLB’s investments continue to increase demand – with 1.6 billion board feet of incremental demand created in 2020.