About SLB


The Softwood Lumber Board (SLB) is an industry-funded initiative established to promote the benefits and uses of softwood lumber products in outdoor, residential, and non-residential construction. Programs and initiatives supported by the SLB focus on increasing the demand for appearance and softwood lumber products in the United States.

The SLB’s first term, from 2012-2018, resulted in significant diversified growth for softwood lumber.

In 2018, the referendum to continue the SLB through a second term passed with overwhelming support. See the SLB press release and the USDA press release.

The SLB is looking forward to continued growth during the organization’s second term, which ends in 2025.

The Softwood Lumber Board Promotes the Use of Lumber in Construction

The Impact of the Softwood Lumber Industry

A 2023 overview conducted by the American Wood Council (AWC) highlights the importance of softwood lumber manufacturing to the U.S. economy. According to the AWC, the U.S. wood products industry employs more than 450,000 people in wood products manufacturing and supports additional jobs in forestry and other industries for a total of 570,800 jobs and a total payroll of $31.8 billion. With 546 sawmills and lumber manufacturing facilities and 229 other wood product manufacturing facilities, the nation’s wood products industry pays over $600 million in state and local taxes annually. Check out the AWC’s economic impact map for state-specific data.

View the SLB’s bylaws

View the 2025 Softwood Lumber Board Budget

View the 2023 Softwood Lumber Board Audit

July 2008

US Endowment for Forests and Communities (USE) publishes feasibility study titled “Commodity Check Off – The Potential for North American Softwood Lumber.”

March 2009

USE establishes the Blue-Ribbon Commission (BRC) for the development of a North American Softwood Building Products Checkoff.

January 2010

Binational Softwood Lumber Council assumes responsibility for funding the development of the softwood lumber checkoff and its initial start-up phase.

June 2010

BRC finalizes draft Order for the Softwood Lumber Checkoff.

October 2010

1st publication – USDA publishes proposed rule in the Federal Register for public comment.

December 2010

USDA analyzes comments received in response to the proposed rule.

April 2011

2nd publication – USDA publishes second proposed rule in the Federal Register. The rule contains an analysis of comments and announces the referendum on the program.

June 2011

Referendum results announced: 67% of voting companies and 80% of voting volume, respectively, support establishment the Checkoff.

November 2011

First Board of Directors appointed by Secretary Vilsack. Jack Jordan, Jordan Lumber, elected first SLB Chairperson. Steve Lovett hired as first Chief Executive Officer. Cees de Jager appointed as first Chief Marketing Officer.

October 2014

2015 Mass Timber Competition announced.

April 2015

SLB and USDA sign first MOU


SLB programs hit benchmark of generating 1 BBF of incremental demand.

January 2016

Mike Case, Westervelt, elected SLB Chairperson.

September 2016

Timber City launches in Washington, D.C.

January 2018

reThink Wood becomes Think Wood. Wood, Naturally is folded into Think Wood.

May 2018

Continuance Referendum; 78% of companies participating in the referendum representing 94% of volume voted to continue the program.

November 2018

Cees de Jager appointed President & CEO, Ryan Flom appointed Chief Marketing Officer.

December 2018

2021 IBC Code Changes allow mass timber construction up to 18 stories.

November 2019

SLB Board of Directors votes to approve an increase to the assessment rate from $0.35 to $0.41 per thousand board feet.

February 2021

Assessment increase announced: USDA publishes the final rule to increase the assessment rate from $0.35 to $0.41 per thousand board feet effective April 1, 2021.

February 2021

The SLB publishes 2021-2025 Strategic Overview.

September 2021

SLB and USDA sign second MOU to support net-zero carbon construction and resilient forests.

June 2022

Launching second Mass Timber Competition.

March 2023

Launch of the third Mass Timber Competition

October 2024

Launch of the fourth Mass Timber Competition.

December 2024

SLB-funded programs generate over 15 BBF of incremental demand.

January 2025

Fritz Mason, Georgia Pacific, elected SLB Chairperson.